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Thomas Kornprat has been supporting us with his expertise as a software developer for 20 years. He has been doing voluntary work with the Austrian Water Rescue Service and the Voluntary Fire Brigade for even longer. Thomas finds life balance in his family and in his voluntary work. He relishes the countless missions and loves the camaraderie, as well as in the feeling of being able to help.

You can find out more about Thomas in the attached article from the Kleine Zeitung. We are proud to have Thomas in our team and grateful for his daily commitment inside and outside of UNiQUARE.

©Kleine Zeitung, 23.06.2024

Translation of the article

Klagenfurt 23rd of June 2024

Quiet heroes

This family man goes into water for others

Thomas Kornprat joined the water rescue as a boy. Now at 40, he trains young helpers.

Thomas Kornprat (40) is also active in Krumpendorf water rescue.

The panel on the right-hand side:


Austrian Water Rescue (ÖWR) has been active in Carinthia for 60 years.

Its Krumpendorf unit has been in place for over 50 years. It guards and helps in water-based emergencies.

Main body of the article

Thomas Kornprat pursues two voluntary activities. One is with Krumpendorf Voluntary Fire Brigade, the other is with the Water Rescue. The heart of the 40-years-old beats for both of them.

Kornprat started his voluntary career at the age of 13. The software developer remembers: “As a child I was always in the park pool.”  My friends suggested that I could get a water rescue helper’s certificate.” No sooner said than done. As the water rescue unit was quite close to the neighboring fire brigade, he joined the fire guard four years later. The father of two is today responsible for the water rescue swimming training. The operational diver, new-recruit assistant and he bring children to swimming. In the fire brigade, Kornprat is also responsible for training.

He cannot remember the number of his deployments, only the special ones. “For example when his friends are involved”; the Krumpendorfer knows that owing to the proximity of his work in emergency he is mostly one of the first to change into a uniform. He also well remembers last year’s activities caused by the bad weather. “We had to introduce shifts so that the colleagues had a chance to rest.”

Aside from water rescue and fire brigade there is not much time for other hobbies. “I can switch off quite well when I am with my wife and children” – says the double volunteer. “The family also gives me the strength required for those activities.”

He would not miss a second of his voluntary work. “It is the camaraderie that does it and the feeling that you can help others.”