You are currently viewing UNiQUARE @German CRM Forum 2024

Please visit our stand and meet our colleagues at the German CRM Forum on the 27/28.02.2024.

Don’t miss the exciting lecture by our customer DZ Privatbank Luxembourg on the 28th of February at 10:45 a.m. on the topic “ZWISCHEN REGULIERUNG UND DIGITALISIERUNG | Der CRM-Masterplan einer internationalen Privatbank” (BETWEEN REGULATION AND DIGITALIZATION | The CRM master plan of an international private bank) by Rebecca Bernardy, Segment Function Manager, DZ PRIVATBANK, Luxembourg-Strassen.

Our colleagues Elza Silic-Zakes (Product Owner), Michael Schwarzenbacher (CEO), Helmut Mirnig (CTO) and Stefan Kleinschmidt (Head of Product) are looking forward to an interesting experience exchange. Visit us.

You are a financial institution and want to visit the German CRM Forum? Please, contact Tanja Wutte at: for reduced price tickets.

Please, see the program: