You are currently viewing Thanks a lot, dear employees, for your great feedback at kununu!

The employer rating platform kununu is currently ranking family-friendly employers in Austria. Perfect fit for UNiQUARE! We followed the invitation and asked our employees to rate us.

No matter how the results of the ranking are going to look like, we already consider ourselves a winner! The participation rate and the quality of ratings have exceeded all our expectations. Just in a few days, we have received over 30 new exceptionally positive ratings and have reached an overall score of 4.2 (the industry average is 3.9) and an unbelievable recommendation rate of 95 %.

Thanks a lot, dear employees, for your great feedback, and for your constructive suggestions for improvement and further development – you are great!

In our eyes, these results prove that we have been following the right path from the very beginning, with our open culture, flexibility and many efforts around work and family and workplace wellbeing in order to be an attractive employer for you!