- 23.04. – 24.04.2020, Cologne (Germany)Mortage 2020 (German: Baufinanzierung 2020), Euroforum
- 28.05.2020, Wachau (Austria)BSW-Banken Symposium Wachau
Our Member of the Executive Board, Mr Boris Grasser will participate at these events on behalf of UNiQUARE. He is looking forward to discussions (phone: +43 4229 4000, email: boris.grasser@localhost).
- 23.04. – 24.04.2020, Millstatt (Austria)Economic Talks at Millstatt (German: Millstätter Wirtschaftsgespräche), GPK Event- und Kommunikationsmanagement GmbH
Mrs Vera Led will participate at the event on behalf of UNiQUARE. She is looking forward to discussions (phone: +43 4229 4000, email: vera.led@localhost).
- 06.05. – 07.05.2020, Cologne (Germany)Innovations for Banks, Bankingclub
Mr Manuel Henrich, Director of Business & Projects will participate at this event on behalf of UNiQUARE. He is looking forward to discussions (phone: +43 4229 4000 149, email: manuel.henrich@localhost).