The School of Management, department of Economics & Management of the University of Applied Sciences (FH Kärnten), invited to the annual New Year’s reception last Friday. Our CEO Vera Led was among the guests from business and politics. In her greeting, she referred to the importance of the FH for UNiQUARE, both as a source of graduates and as an institution for excellent training and education. In addition to some information about current projects and development projects at the university, many possibilities for personal exchange and networking were offered.Read more at the article of Kleine Zeitung and on the website of Land Kärnten.©picture: FH, UNiQUARE
Translation of Kleine Zeitung article:UNESCO Chair for the for the Carinthian Technical University (FH)25 years of Carinthian FH: School of Management sets sustainability and digitalization as its center of gravity for 20202500 students in 2019 meant a new record for the Technical University of Carinthia. In the School of Management alone there were 250 graduates, from globalization to digital transformation. At yesterday’s New Year’s reception, Dietmar Brodel, the head of the School of Management, called for sustainability as the thematical focus for 2020. ‘We see ecological, economic and social sustainability as central.’ The Chancellor Peter Granig, reported that the Carinthian FH UNESCO Sustainability Chair has been approved.This international award for Carinthian FH comes in the 25th year of its existence. The Governor of Carinthia Peter Kaiser views this jubilee as a sign of the potential of Carinthia’s ever greater visibility. There are also two new chairs of digital technology still to be filled. Among the guests at the event were: the chair of FH supervisory board Jörg Freunschlag, CEOs of Kärntner Sparkasse and UNiQUARE Gabriele Semelkrock-Werzer and Vera Led, tax advisor Bernhard Pontasch and politicians Irene Hochstetter-Lackner and Elisabeth Dieringer-Granza.Picture: (from left) FH Chancellor Peter Granig, Governor of Carinthia Peter Kaiser, Irene Hochstetter-Lackner, Christoph Herzeg and the host – Dietmar Brodel.
Translation of article Land Kärnten:New Year 2020 reception at the School of Management17.01.2020Governor of Carinthia Peter Kaiser, praised the magnificent development of Carinthian Technical University (FH) and urged more optimism and confidence. We can do more and we want to show it.Klagenfurt (Provincial Press Office). The School of Management, which is the Business and Management faculty of the Carinthian FH, hosts a New Year reception every year. In addition to information on the current projects and developments at the University, it provides an extensive networking opportunity. Numerous employees and guests from business and politics accepted today (Friday) this invitation. Among them was Education Leader Governor Peter Kaiser.The Governor highlighted the year 2020 as the year of great jubilees: 100 years ago, Carinthia gave the new Austrian Republic the first plebiscite decision. Klagenfurt Alpe-Adria University celebrates its 50-year jubilee and Carinthian Technical University will salute its 25th jubilee on the 30th of September. It is also the 25th anniversary of the Austria’s accession to the EU. ‘We will look at the historic significance of these events with a view to future prospects.’ We need to set ourselves great challenges and we must show what Carinthia has to offer. ‘We must not hide our light under the bushel. What is done in Carinthia has many fathers and mothers and what our province can show is presentable.’ This confidence must be fixed, including in the educational institutions.The education leader has directed this especially at the excellent development at the FH Carinthia: from 70 students in the first year to 2,420 and from 2 faculties to 37. ‘Over 7,860 graduates are the living and acting lobbyists.’ said Peter Kaiser.The Governor defined his wishes for 2020 as: ‘Optimism and confidence in the sense of we can do more and we want to show it together with satisfaction and health. Let’s tackle it!’Head of faculty Professor Dietmar Brodel greeted all the guests and also pointed to the 2020 as the year of great jubilees. The Chancellor Peter Granig presented the highlights of the past year and activities planned for this year. ‘2019 was a very good year with more students, more research projects and more higher-education offers.’ For 2020, comes the approval for UNESCO chair of sustainability. The School of Management is the central pillar and the link to other areas. ‘Our clear objective is to further develop the Region.’ said the Chancellor and thanked all the partners, the city of Villach and especially the Governor Peter Kaiser for the great support.Vera Led the CEO of UNiQUARE Software Development GmbH pointed to the importance of Carinthian FH to her enterprise. ‘Graduates of FH are the load bearing pillars of our team.’Deputy Mayor of Villach Irene Hofstetter-Lackner reminisced on the beginnings of the FH in Villach. ‘In order to achieve that the politicians had to take many brave steps. Villach politicians have delivered pioneering work.’Among many guests were two deputies of the provincial legislative chamber: Elisabeth Dieringer-Granza and Herbert Gaggl; Leader of the St Veit District Council Claudia Egger-Grillitsch; Mayor of Spittal Gerhard Pirih, Director of Villach City Council Christoph Herzeg and political scientist Kathrin Steiner-Hämmerle.Enquiries: Office of Governor KaiserEditor: Ulli SternigPhotos: Provincial Press Office Kärnten, Günther Steinacher