Did you know that as early as in 2000 UNiQUARE has evolved as the market leader in the finance industry with the highest customer satisfaction according to the independent market study “”CRM Top15 Germany 2000″” by Wolfgang Schwetz and in 2002 our founder Dietmar Schwarzenbacher was honoured with the coveted CRM Award?The market study “”CRM Top 15 Germany 2000″” evaluated the leading 15 CRM vendors with the target group enterprises and multinational companies for the first time. The evaluation was conducted according to the following criteria: company development, industry focus, software quality, functionality, customer satisfaction and future potential.The software product of UNiQUARE was rated as the leading CRM solution for banks.Unlike the majority of other studies, the CRM Top15 study by Wolfgang Schwetz does not regard turn-over as the main criteria. It places great value also on quality and customer satisfaction. As essential elements, the research included results of visits at reference customers, interviews with users and their assessments. By asking the reference customers about their satisfaction with the CRM solutions, UNiQUARE won the 1. place and was by far the best in the competition.Copyright by Business Consultant Wolfgang Schwetz BDU