Already for the 4th time, UNiQUARE employees took Verantwortung zeigen” (Engl. show responsibility) in the literal sense and participated in the Carinthian wide charity Engagement Days 2017. UNiQUARE and its project collaborate, the day care center “Saluto, pro mente: kinder jugend familie (Engl. “Saluto, pro mente: kids, youth and family), organized a joint sporting day in a big park in Klagenfurt.With up to 34 degrees centigrade, the joint teams consisting of UNiQUARE employees and young people and caregivers of “Saluto were fighting against the heat in playing soccer, basketball and volleyball.After the exhausting sporting activities, all participants had a chance to recover from the heat in the shady grill house, having a nice barbecue party, at the site of UNiQUARE.