To encourage the mutual innovatory potential, which can be found in a cooperation between SMEs and start-ups is the main goal of the initiative- Innovation Challenge, which is hosted for the 2nd– time in Carinthia/Austria.As a result, settled Carinthian SME are cooperating with start-ups in order to develop an innovation strategy.On the 10th– of may, the traditional- fireside evening– was hosted by the Junge Wirtschaft Kärnten (Engl. Young Economy Carinthia). UNiQUARE Board Member Boris Grasser and Manuel Henrich, Innovation Manager, participated in this event.Project Manager and head of Young Economy Carinthia Marc Gfrerer welcomed 50 participants, and followed by a presentation of the 14 highly innovative finalist projects. As a special guest, Mr. Altrichter from a famous fund-raising TV show participated in the event.Amongst others, the following established Carinthian SMEs were spotted: Philips, AddIT, Leeb Balkone, AsuT Computer, UNiQUARE, Europlast, Liebherr, Uppercut, Schenker, Anadi Bank Austria, Humanomed, Mazda, Dr. Oetker, Kelag, Jacques Lemans, Zoppoth, Kärnten Werbung, Stadt Villach, Kärnten Werbung und Wild.Further information on the initiative- Innovation Challenge- you will find here: from left to right: Mr. Gfrerer, Mr. Murat Selimagic, Mr. Altrichter