In our constantly changing world, which is much faster moving, the challenges for economy and society are rising significantly. Todays’ working time regulations don’t meet the need for flexibility, both on employers and employees side.That is why top-level Carinthian companies did participate in the event to discuss these challenges and how they could be overcome. UNiQUARE CEO, Vera Led was one the invitees.Image from left to right: Manfred Jantscher, Christiane Holzinger, Vera Led, Michaela Ernst, Sonja Steger, Max Habenicht• Max Habenicht, district chairman of Wirtschaftsbund Klagenfurt (Engl. Austrian Business Federation)•- Manfred Jantscher, Österreichischer Arbeitnehmerinnen- und Arbeitnehmerbund (Engl. Austrian Employer and Employees Federation)•- Vera Led, CEO of UNiQUARE Software Development GmbH•- Sonja Steger, Head of Marketing of Kärntner Landesversicherung (a regional assicuration company)•- Michaela Ernst, journalist und HR-expert in digitization•- Christiane Holzinger, StartUpStars, Member oft he board of Junge Wirtschaft Bundesvorstand (Engl. Young Economy federal board), Member of he board of Junge Wirtschaft Landesvorstand Kärnten (Engl. Young Economy district board)