In February 2017, students of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt wrote for network partners in the class of “Action and Resorts, RINGANA, Diakonie de La Tour, Kindernest, Die Steuerberater, Goerner Group, Hirsch Servo, JMB Fashion, autArK, CTP, UNiQUARE und Alpen-Adria-Universität.- talk in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The results of the cooperation between the network “Verantwortung zeigen! (engl. show responsibility) and the department of Media and Communication were presented at the University.Together with in total 14 companies 11 carinthian and 3 styrian companies – UNiQUARE provided the students with the opportunity to prove their knowledge of sustainability communication”. In this way, 35 students were able to verify the theories learnt at real cases and to create awareness of the importance of sustainable economy.The following companies and organizations did participate in the cooperation:- Dr. Oetker Österreich, ATRIO Villach, Naturel Hotels &